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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: redmullet

Member#: 1225
Location: Aberdeen
Registered: 16-02-2005
Diary Entries: 93

Mood: Pleasantly chilled!
22nd April 2006
Windsurfing: Rattray Bay, Aberdeenshire
Wind Direction: SSW
Wind Stength: 18 to 28mph
Surf / Sea State: 2-3 ft waves
Air Temperature: Warm (ish)
Sea Temperature: Chilly
Weather: Dull
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Met up with Rob and Alan around low tide to find wind cross-off with hardly any swell and the wind around 25mph gusting to 30 mph. We all decided on 5m sails and smallish boards, so out came the Bic Tribal. Rob who had arrived first was the first on the water, so watched him fully powered up for a few runs on his JP FW 84 and then got back to rigging. When I had finally rigged up and walked through the path over the small sand dune to the beach, I found both Rob and Alan bogging out virtually submerged. Waited 5 minutes to see if this was just a short term lull, but the wind didn\'t really pick up and Rob came back in to put up his 5.8m. Had a quick go just to check in the shallows, but decided bigger kit was needed. Alan persevered as he had a 95l board and is a couple of stone lighter than us. Not liking sailing underpowered on my waveboard, I decided to put up my 5.8 m as well and try my Syncro 115 out as the wind was still up and down a bit. This did seem to suit the conditions fine, and as the tide turned, the swell started to pick up with nice 3 foot waves with steep clean faces starting to appear on a regular basis. This allowed some short rides with 2 or 3 turns before you hit the beach, but the best bit was the ramps that were forming for jumping. Because of the sand bars, there is a little lagoon that you can use to get your speed up before hitting the waves at virtually full speed, and I was really chuffed to get some nice floaty jumps off them - some landed some not, but it was great fun all the same. Even got a few positive comments from the other guys - so they must have looked OK from where they were. Can't wait to get a few more days like this, and hopefully there will be enough wind to use my Tribal properly. The currents that Jim and I had encountered at this spot last time were not really noticeable, so it must be that they are just worst in an SE, which to be honest makes the waves very messy.
Toys Used:
Bic Tribal Wave 84 L
Mistral Synchro 115L
Gun MC Wave 5.0 m
Arrows Flight 5.8 m
Rushwind Tsunami C55 430
Gun Loop C25 400
MK Ergo 145-245
Gun Freeride 165-215
Maui Fin Company Freeride 32cm
Bite Wave 23cm



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